First VideoPodcast: Discussion Interruptus

By hook or by crook, I managed to get a video podcast together.

Now, from what I’ve learned by reading and watching, one should take quite a bit of b-footage to fill in spot montages. I was recording in front of the camera because I wanted to get used to being on the other side. I forgot to doll myself up and put on the war paint, in essence, I look hideous, but a perfect moment was caught on film and this was simply too hilarious to pass up.

14 thoughts on “First VideoPodcast: Discussion Interruptus

  1. creativegoddess says:

    I was just watching this with the sound turned off. Voila, I had an idea…

    Wouldn’t it be funny to make this video available to people to write their own thought bubbles? Perhaps their own voice over? That would be hilarious.

    Hmm. Now how to make this video available to all…


  2. creativegoddess says:

    Cats can’t talk, so therefore, I don’t have to pay them. They should be grateful they got a spot since they can’t do the chores I ask them to do!!

    Dim lighting -ingenious? Nah, that was just the torchiere lamp on high with our adjustable can lights.

    Thanks, tho! 🙂


  3. Penny says:

    TOOOOO funny — the look on Cheshire’s face at the verrrry end is PRICELESS! *who, wha, HUH?*

    …coming right along!

    – penny

    p.s. — war-paint is SO overrated >:-p


  4. Madam says:

    Lisa, that is really hilarious!! Poor Cheshire – Nay Nay still is alpha cat isn’t he. Where does Bacchus fit in to all this? And your everloving MIL says you look absolutely fine!!!


  5. creativegoddess says:

    It’s nice to know I can do no wrong! 🙂

    NayNay *isn’t* alpha cat -he’s a *disgruntled* cat. Since Bacchus is Alpha, he’s off feeding his 3rd chin somewhere -or drinking my blue water.

    Blue Water Def: The wash bowl of water that I place brushes into while painting acrylics.

    My neighbor, “Hey! Is your cat s’posed be drinking that blue water?”


  6. Krista Abbott says:

    That is fantastic. I love the video. We must see more of you on camera!!! There are cat fights at my house too…only difference is I only have one cat and she chooses to fight with me. Has anyone else experienced the surprise pounce and bite routine?


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